Sweet and Sour Mix
- The perfect balance between sweet and sour candies in one great mix!
- Snack on 185 g, 400 g or 1 kg packages
- The obvious choice for candy lovers who appreciate variety!
- A must for any party, big or small!
“Sweet or sour: which type are you?” If, like us, you find this question way too hard to answer (so many textures to compare! candies to analyze! flavours to assess! etc.), then quick, go get this great mix of sour and sweet candies in one bag! They include most of your favourites, lots of variety and highly enjoyable taste and tenderness. Plus, you’ll never have to rack your brain with this existential question before each and every bite: Sweet or sour? NO! Sweet AND sour!
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Sweet Sixteen by Mondoux Confectionary, All Rights Reserved.
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